
Comments (1)

What do you think?

Hey everyone! Update coming out soon, Sorry about this really really bad one, Im completly remaking the game from the ground up and I think its ALOT better! thank you for your time

Hello everyone! this game is a really simple game that I made during a live stream and I actully like the way its going so im deciding to keep working on it make more streams and more videos on it and make it a real fun game think you all and have a nice day!

Note: Right now it is in VERY early dev, I made this in 2 hours so dont expect anything crazy


There are 4 cheat codes in the game as of right now

BackGround is customizable

Cusomizable hardness(ball speed)

You can resize the screen with scroll wheel

Thank you all for downloading/veawing and I hope you all have a good day

Extra Info: For debug commands use "B" + the fallowing debug command Note that right now theres only one debug command and thats B + reset to reset the game

IMPORTANT NOTICE: To close the game click windows key than click the X
a QUIT button will be added soon!!!

#arcade #retro #other


Hey everyone! Update coming out soon, Sorry about this really really bad one, I'm completely remaking the game from the ground up and I think its ALOT better! thank you for your time

also to window the game click alt+enter
thank you for your time