Comments (247)
This game is too FRICKING good. Just waiting for ya guys add the alicorn "race".
Could you add a Sunset Shimmer preset, please?
@Ziggylung I've been watching a couple playthroughs & there's about 3 contradictions in the MLP continuity.
First off after running Chrysalis out of Canterlot Castle & freeing Celestia, she mentioned how Chrysalis exacted her revenge on Celestia since the Crystal Empire? Wasn't this after "A Canterlot Wedding", not to mention that you fight King Sombra in the Frozen North where the Crystal Empire did not yet exist.
Second off, after defeating Discord he does not assume the exact pose as seen from "Keep Calm & Flutter On". Almost made me think if one or two were to wield all the Elements of Harmony, then where were the Mane Six in all this....?
Third off, Trixie Lulamoon donned the Alicorn Amulet too soon before her duel with Twilight in Magic Duel, as if did she learn anything from the player knocking some sense back into her, or is her motto just...: "Trixie makes mistakes, so just shrug it off like it never happened"?
Hey. Acually I have a little question. Would you mind if I would make a translation for your game? And how would it look like?
Anyone else having an issue where you can't make the window any bigger?
Ponyvania: Order of Equestria
Ponyvania: Order of Equestria is a 2D action-platformer fangame based on Castlevania and My Little Pony. It is a parody of Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. We had originally planned for it to be a much smaller project but because of the positive response, we've decided to expand it. The game plays very similar to older Castlevania games but with some features of the newer games, such as equipment and leveling-up.
#platformer #multiplayer #fangame #action