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"Guilt comes in many forms."
That's the mantra that has been going through your head since you arrived at your old home for the first time in ten years, though you don't know where it came from. The house looks the same from the outside: big porch, well-maintained yard, and a great paint job. It really is like coming home.
But something seems wrong. You can't remember why you left, or what happened here, and anytime you try to remember, you're struck with fear. Did something bad happen here? You open the front door and step in, determined to find out.
The inside of the house looks the same, as well. Everything is clean; not even a speck of dust on the furniture. That feeling of wrongness intensifies, however. Although you don't want to, you feel compelled to step further into the house. As you do, the door swings shut...
...and the phone starts ringing.
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Suggestive Themes