
Comments (4)

What do you think?

That is amazing

I made an account so I could give this a thumbs up

ummm.. This is amazing.

The gamedesign ramps up the challenge gradually, introduces new elements at a really good pace, and makes every screen and encounter more enjoyable.
I would be happy to see your almost professional skills be put to good use.

Pretty neat Mega Man game you got there @Spade_Magnes .

It ain't that often we get to play as a "villain" let alone that Ring Man's voyage is so short (which is not a bad thing).

Having multiple ways to use his Rings, from a regular Ring Shot to an extended "hovering" one, Ring Shield and finally Ring Walk offers a good variety of gameplay in itself which you may argue is necessary as you cannot get any other weapons.

Personally I never found any use for the Charge Ring and rarely found a need for the Shield but the way you implemented Ring Walk into combat with the two last bosses and the final stage was unlike anything I've seen before in a Mega Man game so props for that!

My only complaints are that

1) it's a bit too hard to hit the penultimate boss;

2) when you die multiple times to a boss, the game spawns a Energy Tank which I experience as a "pity insult". I mean it's really not necessary considering you have infinite lives;

3) There seems to be no save feature. I know it's a relatively short experience but having the option to not be forced to play it from start to finish in one go is always nice.

4) Personally I'd loved it if Ring Man was able to fire rings in 4 directions rather than only straigh ahead.

There's also this one item you can pick up right before the final boss (my compliments on him as well, never seen such a dynamic Mega Man boss fight before) and one other time earlier on in the game which I have no clue what it does.

All that said, the game can be perfectly summarized as short, sweet and innovative!

If there ever will be a sequel or similar game from you, I'd love to hear about it.


Ring Man in the Castle

Version: 1.2.0over 5 years ago

Play as Ring Man and venture through an old Wily castle at Dr Cossack's request.

Complete four levels and battle 5 bosses in this short fangame.

Made with Megamix Engine.

#fangame #platformer #retro #megaman

Mild Cartoon Violence
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