That's not even joke now, game is still sussy and funny, but evoluing! #fangame #horror
I'm actually sorry even now, for that i'm developing Alpha 2 so ong, but it's not revoluting, but the reasoon for that is that i little bit forgor about Hello SUS But don't worry, Alpha 2 today and Alpha 3 development start too today!
Let's go maked the official discord server!!!
What's inside basement? Alpha 2 coming guys!
Back from holiday, Alpha 2 in development!
Full changelog on readme.txt bc too long to here, oh and Alpha 1 v 0.3.3 released!
Thumbnails and game thumbnail is new!
I can't belive that game packaged and ready soon! LET'S GOOOOO
It's real, new TV! XDDDD
I need show that i'm alive, next version going to out so soon
Early-Early Hello SUS Alpha 1 opening cutscene XD