Comments (1,121)
Over 100,000 plays here on GameJolt! You guys are AWESOME :D
Got scared by a steam pipe 10/10
Didn't find the game that scary, I had one jumpscare early on but then sort of expected it the rest of the video. Also some of the artifacts were right near the start, as well as the entrance thus making it less exploratory. Anyway, heres my video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnZ-XmbDP_k
Walked around a little,
Opened my map,
Ominous noise followed by the screen going dark,
almost pissed my pants,
zombie lady murdered me two seconds later, did piss my pants(only a little)
Email markiplier if you want him to play this!
His email:[email protected] I WANT HIM TO PLAY!!!!!!!!
Dungeon Nightmares
Dungeon Nightmares II Now Out!
Every night you go to bed, you find yourself in an endless nightmare that you must escape from.
The dungeon is littered with items for you to collect, including Candles that help light up your path. But be warned, you will not be alone in there.
You must survive each night and progress to another to find more clues about this nightmare.
What do these nightmares mean? Who is that girl? this is something for you to find out…
Get it for iOS:
Get it for Android:
Originally made for iOS and Android
Intense atmosphere
Combat-less gameplay
Randomised dungeons
Difficulty scales with each night you survive
Diverse range of “horrors” in the dungeon
Dynamic AI for enemies that changes based on how you play
Rich 3D surround sound (headphones recommended)