
Comments (240)

What do you think?

I'm gonna be honest with you, the game has a lotta issues.

I really liked the idea of creating a ucn for the other characters

But there's a lot of glaring flaws.

Controls are funky. Why do I need to click on the mask bar? Why do I need to right click the fan to turn it on and left click it to turn it off? Why is the scrolling so buggy? Why does the camera bar disappear on the vent monitor? Why does the bidybab jumpscare play 30 times at once? Why does it not tell you how to drink the coffee? Why are the bidybabs so random? I could go on like this for a while.

The game doesn't have the polish it needs. I could nitpick for hours, and I've only played the demo for 5 minutes. My advice would be to seriously go back and rework some aspects. From one GM:S dev to another, best of luck.


For android pls

I really enjoyed playing the demo, and looked forward to the full game. However, when I opened the game's '.exe' file to play it, it would get stuck on the loading screen and then crash my computer. Please fix this :)

Para moviles porfavor



Rejected Custom Night

Version: 1.0.0over 6 years ago
Full Game



Rejected Custom Night is an "Ultimate Custom Night" fangame.


Featuring characters that didn't make it into UCN!


Mr. Fred
Thundering Static (
Shadubn (
HarveyB_VO (
TheFnafDomain (


Left Click - Add AI
Right Click - Delete AI
Middle Click - Set 10 AI

W - Front Vent Door
A - Left Door
D - Right Door
Q - Left Vent Door
E - Right Vent Door

Ctrl - Flashlight
Space - Fan
Left Click - Drink Coffee

Characters Available

  • Character | Info

  • ROW | 1

  • Golden Freddy | He will randomly appear in your office after closing your monitor. Quickly put it back up to scare him away.

  • Endo01 | He will sit in Parts and Service all night. When he looks at the camera, quickly close the left door, as that will be the path he is going to take. When he's back, turned off in PaS, you can open the left door again. Not closing the door will result in Endo01 blocking your office view for a few seconds.

  • Withered Freddy | He will sometimes appear in your office, causing audio and visual distractions. When you see him, quickly put on the Freddy Fazbear mask to scare him away.

  • Withered Foxy | He will sometimes appear in the right hallway. If he gets close to the doorway on the camera, then shine your flashlight in the right doorway to scare him off. He is not affected by the doors.

  • Shadow Freddy | He sits in the parts and service room. If his eyes are lit up, turn on the global music box to soothe him. If you fail to do so, he will appear in your office. When he's in your office, he will jumpscare you.

  • Endo02 | He will sometimes appear on the Dining Area camera, if you see him, quickly turn on the global music box. If you don't do so, he will crawl through the right vent. You'll have to quickly close the vent to get him away. Not doing that either will result in him jumpscaring you!

  • Phantom Chica | Her face will sometimes appear on the arcade cabinet in your office. Quickly click on the cabinet if you see her face.

  • Phantom Foxy | He will sometimes appear in your office, standing there and looking at you. When you see him move, quickly flash your light at him to make him leave.

  • Phantom Marionette | He will sometimes appear on either of the doorways. After that, he will come to your office. Quickly flash your light at him to make him leave. Not doing that in a timely fashion will result in Phantom Marionette blocking your view for a few seconds.

  • Nightmare Foxy | He will sometimes run down the left hallway. When you see him running, quickly make sure your left door is opened. If it is closed, however, he will break open the door, making it malfunction for the rest of your night. When he's inside of your office, use your flashlight to blind him. After that, he will leave.

  • ROW | 2

  • Jack-O-Bonnie | He will sometimes appear in the left hall. When you see him, quickly turn on the global music box to get him away. Doors don't work on him.

  • Adventure Freddy | He will sometimes appear in the vent in front of you. Close it before he jumpscares you.

  • Adventure Bonnie | He will stay in your office, downloading Update 3 of FNaF World. Keep the internet working, so the download doesn't stop. If the internet deactivates, Bonnie will get angry and will try to get you. You'll have to wind up the internet connection from time to time.

  • Adventure Chica | A cupcake will appear on your desk everytime you close your monitor. When five cupcakes are there, quickly make sure your fan is turned off, to make them all leave. Making a sixth cupcake appear on your desk will result in Adventure Chica blocking your view for a few seconds!

  • Adventure Foxy | If he appears in your left vent close it to keep him away.

  • Adventure Endo01 | He can sometimes appear in your office. He will hide in the shadows. When you see him, shine your flashlight on him to make him leave. Failing to do so will result in him blocking your view for 2 in-game hours.

  • Adventure Funtime Foxy | If he appears in your right vent close it to keep her away.

  • Adventure Fredbear | He will sometimes appear in your office. A deathcoin will also appear. You have to find it somwhere in your office and press it to get Fredbear away.

  • Adventure Purpleguy | He will randomly appear above a camera button. Switch to that camera. If you fail to do so then he will disable that camera for the rest of the night.

  • Coffee | It will stay in your office, slowly filling up. All you need to do it drink the coffee to prevent it from filling up all the way. It will jumpscare you if it gets enough energy from the caffeine. You will get a game over if you drink too much coffee, though.

  • ROW | 3

  • Chipper | He has finally come to get his revenge. He can come from either door. Check the cameras every-so-often to see where he's coming from. Close the correct door before he gets you.

  • Chica's Magic Rainbow | She will charge her Rainbow Cannon all night. The only way to keep the charge down is to look at Cam 03 atleast once an hour. This will cause the charge to reset.

  • Adventure Lolbit | She will sometimes block your view. Quickly type L-O-L to get her away.

  • Mendo | He will sometimes appear on your desk, dancing there. When he does, he will ask you to buy an endo armor from him. You can get any of those for free. Though, the better the armor is, the more chance there is that Mendo will jumpscare you if you try to buy it. The one on the left will protect you from one jumpscare. The one in the middle will protect you from two jumpscares. The one on the right will protect you from three jumpscares.

  • Souldozer | He will appear in either Cam 01 or 02. Close the respective door to keep him away.

  • Brow Boy | He will move through the vent system. You can't see him on the radar. The only way you can know if he's at the door is if he laughs. Close the door before he jumpscares you.

  • Ball Boy | Sometimes he will throw a ball through a door. Close the door that the ball is coming from. Close it before he jumpscares you. You can't see him on the cameras.

  • Funtime Freddy | He will appear in one of the hallways. When he says that he is coming, quickly close the corresponding door. When he announces a surprise, however, quickly close the opposite door.

  • Bon-Bon | He will sometimes appear in your office, hiding behind random objects. Do not move your mouse cursor over her, or else he will go to hiding again. When you got the chance, press on the large black button below her bowtie to deactivate him and make her leave. Making him go back to hiding two times will result in her jumpscaring you!

  • Bidybabs | All three of them will go through the vent system. The blue eyed one is the slowest of them all. The green eyed one is a bit faster than the blue eyed one. While Electrobab (yellow eyed one) is the fastest of them all. Quickly close the door if you see them on the radar.

  • ROW | 4

  • Yenndo | He will stand in your office the entire night. If he moves then turn on the fan to get him to calm down. Failing to do so will result in a death.

  • HandUnit | He will occasionally flip up in your office. Quickly select any of the options you want on the keypad, and he will give it to you.

  • Dark Springtrap | This darkened, burned version of Springtrap hates light, and thus he will lurk in the shadows. Watch each camera carefully to look for his glowing eyes to make sure if he is really there. He will come outside of your right office door. Simply close it to get rid of him.

  • Mr. Hugs | He will stay in the gamer room, playing games on his big screen TV. What is he playing? "Five Nights with Toy Freddy", of course. He isn't that good at the game though. And because of the fact that his arms are unmovable, he won't be able to actually control the game. Check the gamer room camera from time to time to see how he's doing. Toy Freddy can come in using three ways, the main hall, right vent and left vent. When you see Toy Freddy on the vent cameras, quickly close the correct vent door. If you see him on the main hall camera, quickly close the main door! If you see a Game Over screen on Mr. Hugs' screen, that means he lose and now is coming after you!

  • Pan Stan | ???

  • Candy Cadet | He stays deactivated in your office at all times. Sometimes, he will turn on, flashings lots of lights and making loud noises. Quickly click on him to turn him off.

  • Paperpals | Two of them will sometimes appear in your office at the same time. Quickly press their noses to get them away.

  • Security Puppet | He will stay in your office at all times! Don't hover your mouse cursor over her for too long!

  • Prize King | He will sometimes appear in your office, adding one of the special characters to the night.

  • Egg Baby | He will sometimes appear in your office, a beeping sound will play too. Find his miniature Egg Baby, hidden somewhere in your office, before time runs out and your cameras get fried!

  • ROW | 5

  • Clowns | They will occasionally scare you, closing your monitor and putting off your mask in the process. There is no way to stop them.

  • Tangle | If she appears on the table, turn on the fan to blow him away.

  • Redbear | He will move through all three vents. Close the correct vent when he gets to the opening.

  • Whiterabbit | He will sometimes appear on any camera covering your view, if you fail to switch the camera in time he will be on his way to end your run.

  • Toy Foxy | He climbs around in the vents. He isn't effected by the door, nor is she seen on the radar. When she gets into your office, pull on your mask to scare it away!

  • Blacktime Freddy | Sometimes, the Ennard mask in your office will turn into a Blacktime Freddy mask. When you see it, quickly click on it to get it away.

  • Phone Dude | He will sometimes call you. Quickly press the MUTE CALL button before he does. The button is only accessible when viewing the office, though. Not clicking on the button will result in you having to listen to the whole call. You won't be able to access the cameras at that time.

  • Blacklight Rockstar Freddy | He will stay in your office at all times, turned off. He will sometimes turn on and ask you to deposit five coins. You'll have the find 5 fazcoins scattered around your office to turn him off. Not doing that in a timely fashion will result in him jumpscaring you! You can also turn on the fan for a while to turn him off.

  • SpringBonnie | The SpringBonnie suit will stay in your office all night. Wind up the springlocks from time to time to keep him in suit mode. If he gets into animatronic mode, he will jumpscare you.

  • Scott | He will appear in your office once a night as a 2D sprite. He will be trying to turn into his real form. When you see him transforming in your office, click on him to get him back into his 2D sprite. He will try to transform into his real form 3 times before going out of your office and never returning.

  • ROW | 6

  • Gumball Swivelhands | He will be in either of the hallways. Close the correct door if you see him in the doorway.

  • Exotic Butters | It will appear in a random place in your office. Click on it to make it go away. Failing to do so will cause your screen to go black for a short amount of time.

  • Adventure Crying Child | They will occasionally make gift boxes appear in your office. Gift boxes, when clicked, can either give you a random buff (+1 power, -1 caffeine, jumpscare proof). There's also a chance that clicking on it will kill you.

  • Pickles | It will sometimes appear in your office with 5 pickles inside the jar. Everytime you close your monitor, the jar empties by one pickle. You have to click on it when it's on 1 pickle to get it back full. Not clicking on it, or clicking on it when there is more than 1 will result in a death.

  • Bouncepot | He will appear in your office praising himself, either listen to his whole conversation and be jumpscared and killed at the end or turn on the fan for a few seconds to get him away.

  • Scott Head | He will sit on your desk. If he moves, hover your mouse over him to make him calm down. He will kill you if he gets too angry.

  • Kitty in the Crowd | The office will sometimes get crowded by lots of people! All you have to do is quickly find and press on a Kitty that is hiding there. Not doing it in time will result in your view getting stuck to the office for a few seconds. At that time, you wouldn't be able to use your monitor.

  • Tyke | He will sometimes appear in your office. When you click him, he will be able to stop Chipper from attacking you completely. Though, there is a chance Tyke will jumpscare you if you try to click him.

  • Strange Traveler | When he gets spawned by Prize King, he will transport you through time to 5AM.

  • Golden Cupcake | It can appear anywhere in the office. You have to find it and click it before it kills you.


Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

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Rejected Custom Night 2 - Trailer


New Gamejolt Page for the new version!

The demo of the remake has been released.

GameJolt page for Rejected Custom Night: Reborn!