
Comments (8)

What do you think?

Hey! I like this so far however... The difficulty curve kicks off way too fast. First level is piece of cake and then getting to the 5th platform on lvl 2 is way too precise (there is not enough margin to make it consistently). I would suggest maybe upping the jump height a bit. Also the jump pads on lvl 2 are a bit off. The spot where you start flying up should be in the center rather than just touching the pad. Lvl 3 has more of the lvl 2 problems. Right now it isn't true difficulty, it feels more artificial. A bit of tweaking can definitely fix that. Keep up the good work!

The visual style, the music and idea is super good. For me was the jumping from platform to platform way too difficult, and I also found the running speed to be way too slow for the game idea. Overall a good alpha version of the game.


Retro Run DEMO 0.2.3

Version: 0.2.3almost 5 years ago

Retro Run DEMO v0.1.2

Version: 0.1.2over 5 years ago

Retro Run

Version: 0.1.1over 5 years ago
This is the official DEMO build for Retro Run.

Retro Run Alpha v 0.01

Version: 0.0.1almost 6 years ago

Retro run will put you in the sneakers of the runner Neon. You platform and swing your way over to get the precious Runner energy drink #1980s #RunAndGun #platformer #action #arcade #retro #shooter #Synthwave


Hey everyone! the game is in full development again, Wooohooo!!!!! The game will be released on steam for a small price, to support me ofc. Hope I see you there!!!

New update in the works, sorry for the long time without any updates :/ but I'm focusing on finishing a new DEMO and maybe release the final game on steam :) - Vander

Thanks to Nikson, I can package my game just like before! so 3 levels in the new update :) Thanks again Nick :)