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The JadeJohnson Games Reward Roller Game-Engine (For X64 Windows PowerPoint [PPT] 2010+)

Version: 20211219.1341.786about 3 years ago
Please create a duplicate of this file on your system, so that, if you want to create Nested-If-Wheels, you can copy a wheel from the empty-copy and paste it into your main-game-engine, so the links both stay-in-tact, and take players to the right spots in-game; thank you. This will only work on Windows, and not with the Microsoft-Store- or browser-versions of PowerPoint. On the plus-side, it will work perfectly with PowerPoint-releases as far-back as 2010, and is compatible with all versions through 2021, 365, and newer!

Game Soundtrack

1 song

JadeJohnson Games's Reward Roller Engine - Default Wheel Music - PoKeMoN Shuffle Tutorial - Official JadeJohnson Records Cover

Gentlepeople, introducing:

"Reward Roller™", by "JadeJohnson Games™"!

"JadeJohnson Games™'s Reward Roller Game Engine™", originally just-having-been-planned to be used as a sub-engine to work into our larger-game-ProJects, is now a standalone game-engine that could not be any-simpler to learn and use!

Just follow the instructions in the slide-titles above each respective slide, create or paste-in your content to the right locations, and "Reward Roller™" shall entirely-handle the stitching-together of your game's "code" for you!


• Twelve-pronged randomizers in the form of player-spinnable wheels,

• Player-selectable results when a wheel lands between two spokes,

• Acceleration and deceleration-animations built-into every wheel,

• Realtime wheel-spinning-audio that knows how fast the wheel is rotating,

• A highlighted "Prize-Zone" that shows players their options,

• A guide that shows to which choice players's cursors are pointing,

• An accessibility-theme for players with vision- or learning-disabilities,

• Incredibly-clear AI-text-to-speech that can tell players where their cursors are,

• A music-slot for each code-block,

• 3024 buffer-slides so that you can insert your biggest sub-engines ever,

• Colour-coded wheels for easy-choice-distinction,

• All of the wheel-parts labelled in the Selection Pane for easy-modding-access,

• Support for up-to-three health-phases for each wheel before it can't be re-spun,

• Slide-Master-accessibility-tools that can be pasted and centered over any slide,

• Absolutely no VBA- or other real-coding anywhere in sight,

• Support for "Nested-If-Wheels™" (wheels that lead to wheels-within-wheels),

• And an interface that's simple, easy, and fun-as-heck to learn and use!

Please enjoy, and as always, "Happy Jading!™"

#GameEngine #Game #Engine #GameEngines #Engines #PowerPointGameEngine #PowerPoint #PPTGameEngine #PPT #PowerPointGameEngines #PPTGameEngines #Reward #Roller #RewardRoller #RewardRollerGameEngine #RewardRollerEngine #PrizeWheel #Prize #Wheel #PrizeWheels #Wheels #Random #RandomGameEngine #Randomized #RandomizedGameEngine #RandomGames #RandomizedGames #ProcedurallyGenerated #ProcedurallyGeneratedGameEngine #ProceduralGeneration #ProceduralGenerations #ProceduralGenerationEngine #ProceduralGenerationGameEngine #ProcGen #ProcGens #Roguelike #RandomFate #Fate #RandomizedFate #Luck #Chance #ChanceGame #ChanceGames #ChanceGameEngine #NoGambling #NoMoney #Free #RogueLikeEngine #RogueLikeEngines #PowerPointRogueLike #PPTRogueLike #PowerPointRogueLikes #PPTRogueLikes #PowerPointRogueLikeEngine #PPTRogueLikeEngine #JadeJohnsonGames #JadeJohnsonIndustries #Jade #Johnson #Industries #Games



The first, and currently-only-planned, update for "Reward Roller™" is here, and it fixes a small bug where, for the yellow (fourth) wheel-option's selection-sound, developers needed to manually set it to "Paint Blob03.wav".

Please enjoy; "Happy Jading!™"