
Encountered SCP-173

Upgrades People, Upgrades
Encountered SCP-914

Encountered SCP-939

A Shadowy Figure
Encountered SCP-106

A Shy Fellow...
Encountered SCP-096

[ NULL ]
Encountered SCP-079

dado's brainexplsoesenotsrsogsgsdgkpskplsdhpsd, …uh, the… do, the make the your brains have a blow splosion
Use SCP-5043

Find SCP-173's containment cell. Man, those were the good days.

Hammer Down
Encountered MTF Unit "Hammer Down"

Nine-Tailed Fox
Encountered MTF Unit "Nine-Tailed Fox"

Let There Be Light!
Re-establish power in the facility

One Hell Of A Journey...
Escaped the facility

What A Dumba**
Close yourself in a door, killing you. I know you're in a stressful situation, but come on, there's no reason to kill yourself.

Tea Time with BattleForge
Drink some tea from SCP-294 in SCP-106's chamber to get the easter egg.

TheBateese waz here
Type in "O_O" in SCP-294's keyboard.

Some REAL nostalgia...
Find the Markiplier easter egg

Y'know that's a disease, right?
Find and click on Septiceye Sam in the Pocket Dimension.

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