
Welcome to the game

Boring shut up NERD
Read The Credits

a Way You’ve Never Seen.
Find The Radio in Chapter 1.

The ink machine
Turn on machine

What the hell is this?
Discover a cut-out of a Dev in Chapter 1.

Old Voices
Listen to audio logs in Chapter 1.

Hello Old Friend
Like.... the only reason you're playing this game

The Studios Welcome
Beat Chapter 1.

Can I Get An Amen?
Listen to audio logs in Chapter 2.

Sorry Jack
Kill Jack Fain (Nice hat tho)

You die tonight,
find the radio in Chapter 2.

The Past
Find a note from a old employee "Jason"

F!nd th3 s3archer !n Chapt3r 2

Hey Sammy
Get knocked

Conodrum Cultist
beat Chapter 2.

ink and Gears
Found all of Alice Angel's gears.

I'm gotta vomit
Hunted down all Swollen Searchers.

Wasted Effort
Solved all valve panel puzzles.

The one thing you like
Destroyed four Bendy cardboard cutouts in Chapter Three.

Just like a.. war
Survived the Butcher Gang's attack.

Get the Tommy Gun.

it's me.
Wrong game kiddo!

Puddles are quite Dark
Survived the inky abyss.

L Norman
Kill The Projectionist.

Voices like angels
Listen to audio logs in Chapter 3.

inky musical
find the radio in Chapter 3.

Find a old Atari game

Date With Angel
Beat Chapter 3.

F011oW Th3 P@tH

Nothing can erase us now
Find the radio in Chapter 4.

You are still listening?
Listen to logs in audio Chapter 4.

beat the The butcher gang,

Around And Around Again And Again.
Defeat Bertrum.

Round Two Norman?
Brought down The Projectionist. AGAIN, FUCKING AGAIN

Found Boris. oh SHI-

H31lp u$ h3nry
S@v3 th3m

Joey's Hell house
beat Chapter 4.

Shiver me timbers
Survive the bendy Sea demon

Welcome back sammy
Oh he's dead.

beat the The butcher gang,

find the radio in Chapter 5.

Reunited with Tom and Allison

Feel Familiar?
Return to a Familiar Location

Goodbye Bendy
Beat bendy

The end
beat Chapter 5.

Behind the Curtains
unlock the Archives

To White and Back
Complete the game.

Wait you are Still Listening
Listen to audio logs in Chapter 5.

Sillyvision Entertainment ©1961
Get Black & White

Get outta here!
Listen to every wally audio log

Listen to every audio log