Comments (3)
bro please add mike haggar
its nice also i like how in the game name here said furry xd
Street Fighter VS Fatal Furry
The game Street Fighter Vs. Fatal Fury contains several characters such as Ken, Ryu, Blanka, Dhalsim, Zangief, Cammy, Guile, E. Honda, Balrog, Bison, Vega, Chun-li, Sakura, Adon, Nash, Feilong, Hank, Cody, Haomaru, Andy Bogard , Billy Kane, Joe Higashi, Terry Bogard, Kim Kaphwan, Laurence Blood, Mai Shiranui, Wolfgang Krauser, Blue Mary, Ryuji Yamazaki, Alfred, B. Jenet, Rock Howard, Tizoc, Geese Howard, among others. In addition to the Street Fighter and Fatal Fury sagas, the game contains characters from other series from Capcom and SNK.
Street Fighter Vs. Fatal Fury brings just a few balanced characters, good scenarios, quality soundtrack and a high difficulty.
It is worth mentioning that the game Street Fighter Vs. Fatal Fury is a compilation, with characters, scenarios, life bar and screenpack of several authors and creators of Mugen. Their credits are in the text files (.txt) and / or (.def) of their respective works.