Comments (34)
ver 2.8 is a virus (my windows 10)
you upload underchoice in SHFHDB!Papyrus 3(New)
i beated it and the other one though it took me a few minutes to find the debug mode for the other one ha
Why did you hide AU's full name and what is it again?
SHFHDB!Papyrus 3(New)
This version may not be updated any more, I will make a new version again.
SHFHDB!Papyrus 2(Old)
Star See, and its former name was "SHFHDB".
This Au is not a mixed AU, nor is it an AU that can hang 404 and hit it, it is just the last AU
The LV of the player is constant at 8000 in this AU, because the monster of the whole AU can't bear the EXP of LV8001
Polyethylene Gaster noticed that players were playing genocide in each AU, and created a TV station, GasterTV. Monsters with TV in polyethylene can see players' actions through GTV.
The defense function outside the polyethylene world protects polyethylene, and players can't get in until GE finishes all Au. At the same time, this defense facility protects polyethylene from external reset and other influences.
Because it is the last AU, please do not overlay AU on polyethylene, such as SHFHDBswap, which does not meet the setting of "last AU"; it is also not allowed to overlay polyethylene on other AU (such as swapSHFHDB). I think SHFHDB and swap need to appear first to have swapSHFHDB
Sprites:Leaff Raindrop, Crocodile turtle, Mist, Male Cat, JogMig, KujoXG
Music:Dezeer, Matcha, CID_73
Attack design:Director Ma, Charactor
Translate:DNRSLJ, zhee