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This is Sonic the Hedgehog SMS - NC Revision or S1NC for short. The aim of this simple hack is to give the graphics of Sonic 1 SMS a greater sense of detail, improve the gameplay experience, add more slopes to some areas (which could be seen as an improvement), and make other miscellaneous alterations to the game. This is actually the first ROM hack I've ever publicly released! Thank you for visiting this topic and I hope you enjoy the hack!

Note: If you're having trouble running the hack on Bizhawk, try changing the region to Japan.

Changes include:

  • Tweaked shading and added expressiveness for Sonic and Dr. Eggman's sprites.
    The most significant changes to level art can be seen in Green Hill Zone.
    Various level objects, animals, monitors, rings, signposts and UI elements have also recieved graphical changes.
    A new palette for Bridge Zone.
    A new "SMS" logo added to the title screen, in addition to unused text crediting Ancient, the developers of the original game, and text crediting myself.
    Added more slopes and extra graphical background details to Jungle Zone. These extra sprites have been taken from the Game Gear version of the game, with their palettes being altered for compatibility with the Master System, and with the shading of the apple sprite being tweaked by myself.
    The water physics and drowning mechanic have been removed from Labyrinth Zone, although bubbles and the water surface sprites are still present. This was done in order to make the zone more enjoyable to play through. Although editing the actual water physics values might have been a more preferable solution, I was unsure as to how to do so, so this is the method that the hack will be using in its current state.
    More slopes have been added to Labyrinth Zone Acts 1 and 2, as well as other level design changes.
    More slopes have been added to Jungle Zone Act 2, as well as other level design changes.
    Rings have been added to the Boss Acts that formerly lacked them, except for Sky Base Zone Act 3.
    Extra rings have been added to Scrap Brain Zone Act 2 and Sky Base Zone Act 2 in order to help the player to locate the Acts' respective Chaos Emeralds.
    Bridge Zone Act 2 is no longer an autoscroller.
    The rising death floor has been removed from Jungle Zone Act 2.
    The Chaos Emerald location within Labyrinth Zone Act 2 has been moved.


  • Ninjacat25 - Graphics
    Ninjacat25 - Level Edits
    Scrap Sorra - Testing and Feedback
    Roebloz - Testing and Feedback
    Ancient - Original Game
    Warranty Voider - STH1EDWV
    Maxim - Extension of STH1EDWV
    Penta - Testing and Feedback
    Penta - Bug-Fixing Advice
    ClassicSonicSaturn - Testing and Feedback

The Sonic 1 SMS editing program STH1EDWV has been a massive help with the development of this hack.

I recall that a review of the game inspired me to add some extra rings to Scrap Brain Zone and Sky Base Zone, but I don't quite remember what the video was titled.

Update 1 (30/8/2024):

  • The Shield monitor near the beginning of Labyrinth Zone Act 1 has been moved, replacing a Power Sneakers monitor, in order to fix a sprite issue.
    In order to try to fix a graphical glitch that occurs in the final Act of the game, I've made changes to blocks that appear in that section.

Thank you to ClassicSonicSaturn and Penta for reporting these bugs.

Update 1.1 (31/8/2024):

  • As reported by Penta, the graphical glitch in Sky Base Zone Act 3 was not entirely fixed by Update 1. He had said that the glitch was caused by the timer being added to the Act, so I had decided to remove the timer in order to fix the issue. Also, he had kindly created a patch for the game in order to fix it himself, but I instead chose to do so myself out of a desire to be the sole developer of this project. Regardless, Penta's assistance has helped me to improve my hack, and for that, I thank him.

Update 1.2 (31/8/2024):

  • It seems that the last update didn't properly fix the graphical bug in Sky Base Zone Act 3, but this update has appeared to have fixed it.
    A Shield monitor has now been added to Sky Base Zone Act 3.
    Slight level design tweak to Sky Base Zone Act 3.
    Slight tweak to Dr. Eggman's sprites.
    Sky Base Zone no longer features flashing lightning effects. A user named Sik had asked if this feature was removed from my hack, and now it has been.

Update 1.3 (10/9/2024):

  • Slight tweak to one of Dr. Eggman's sprites.
    Level design edit for Green Hill Zone Act 1.


ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグSMS - NCリビジョン、略してS1NCです。このシンプルなハックの目的は、ソニック1SMSのグラフィックにディテール感を与え、ゲームプレイ体験を向上させ、いくつかのエリアに坂を追加し(これは改善とも言える)、その他ゲームに雑多な変更を加えることだ。これは、実は私が初めて公開したROMハックです!このトピックを訪れてくれてありがとう!


タイトル画面に新しい 「SMS 」ロゴを追加。加えて、オリジナルゲームの開発者であるAncientのクレジットと私自身のクレジットのテキストを未使用のまま追加。

Ninjacat25 - グラフィック
Ninjacat25 - レベル編集
Scrap Sorra - テストとフィードバック
Roebloz - テストとフィードバック
Ancient - オリジナルゲーム
Warranty Voider - STH1EDWV
Maxim - STH1EDWV の拡張版
Penta - テストとフィードバック
Penta - バグ修正のアドバイス
ClassicSonicSaturn - テストとフィードバック


このゲームのレビューに触発されて、Scrap Brain ZoneとSky Base Zoneにリングを追加したのを覚えていますが、そのビデオのタイトルはよく覚えていません。



アップデート1.1 (2024/8/31):


アップデート1.3 (10/9/2024):

#Sonic #MasterSystem #SMS #Romhacks

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
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