
Soul to keep (2017)
STK (2017) cut content
the 2020 version has better voice acting, remade art, better coding and overall a better experience!
This version (2017) is overall buggy and just rushed.
Your games weren't as popular as you wanted...So you made a deal with a someone...Now you want something of yours back...
Coming Feb 28, 2017
Developed by KevinTheWolfy
Written by KevinTheWolfy
Art by Amber Liger
Minigame art by KTW
Movie animation:Cutie Fox :3
Ideas by Amber Liger & KTW
Tested by KTW & Friends
Music & Sounds:
Purple planet
Iwan Gabovitch
Voice actors:
Sir by Chris McCullough
Reviewer by LiquidSpeaker
Friend by Sabertooth
Boss by Kldude69
Sir’s minion by RoyCookie
V-Sync is on by default to make the game look better!
Full screen is on by default too!
The game should run at a smooth 60 fps
The 2 first ones can be customized!! But sadly the game is locked at 60 fps
The game should be around 600mb :D