
Comments (6)

What do you think?

how to make stuff like this

I did a no hit until the first flash

I DID IT!!!!


Sans' Ultimate Attack (Sans Simulator Website Attack)

Version: 4.0.0almost 6 years ago
If case you don't know how to load the attack, I'll explain it. -When you go into the site, hit custom attack -Then, hit "Load File" -Find the file, and double click it. -Hit X and "Run attack" should be white, not grey. -Hit "Run attack" and have a good time.

First thing I wish to share is that this simulator can be reached using the following link:
It's pretty obvious where custom attacks go from there.

This is a work in progress, and will get updated to be harder.

Currently, it's not that hard...for a sans attack made by the community.

I don't claim to own this simulator or the undertale system/characters. All rights severed to the original owners.

Sorry about the header being bad time trio...

I do claim to own the attack, however.

1.0.1: Forget the "EndAttack", so now the attack will end.
1.1.0: Made attack possible to no hit.
1.1.1: Made some minor changes to the middle of the attack.
1.2.0: Changed the attack a tiny bit. Middle Section Nerf
1.3.0: Extension added, attack is now longer.
1.4.0: Extension added, attack is now longer. Made minor nerfs toward the mid-end section. Attack should be able to be no hit.
1.4.1: Transition Bug about 80% of the way through should have been fixed.
-Extended 20 seconds
-Added Text to the end
-Squashed Bugs and Fixed Glitches with the Platforms in a few sections.
-Bones were a but off in placement, so they were moved.
-Attack extended very long
-Welcome to hell demo has been added as the special attack of this attack.
-This is the last update, so if anyone can no hit this, I want to see video evidence, ignore the dialogue at the end.
4.0.0: I know I said 3.0.0 was the last update, but I just figured out how to use SansRepeat, so I made the final attack different. Welcome to Hell Demo is now NOT part of the attack. Rather, it's been replaced by my own version of it. Completely remade. So, good luck and have fun! This is the true final update, and this is M1KUH4TSUN3, signing out. ;)


I said I was done. Yes I did. I lied again. I won't be updating the attack, but rather getting a whole new attack entirely. This one is gonna be more smoother than the previous. Hand movements and Sine Bones and Stuff, so be prepared for another attack.

I've finished the attack. There are absolutely no more updates for this attack. If anything, I'm moving on from undertale. As much as I like it, Undertale just doesn't seem to be a thing for me anymore. I'm moving on. Sorry...not like anyone reads this...

Hey guys, M1KUH4TSUN3 here. I was wondering if there was a thing in this attack you'd like to see. I can also confirm that the site does still accept attacks. It's just gotta be .csv excel documents. :)