
Comments (29)

What do you think?

I played this game as I wanted to revisit the community and how it's going, so I checked the hot page and saw this game being recently released. Playing the game, there is a lot wrong with it.

I want to first mention that I did not finish the game; I only reached night 3 and then gave up on the game for one issue which I'll cover very soon.

First thing I want to say is that settings are now a very common thing in FNaF fangames which this game did not include: neither volume, nor window toggle, V-sync, etc. (I wanted to make the game windowed which I couldn't, because I noticed the game is not high resolution and since my screen is 1080p, it looked blurry)

Now as for the game itself, it's in a very poor state.

The minigames are boring, and unnecessarily long. The first minigame only asks you to stop for a few seconds and then walk again, and that repeats for a few times and the minigame ends with nothing else happening. You should add more details to them if you want them there for the player to finish them, because they only feel like fillers that only make the game longer to finish.

The second minigame did have problems as well. It's very easy to avoid the enemy since they're too slow, the only advantage they have is that they can pass through the obstacles unlike the player (which I don't know if that's a bug or not, but I'd rather keep it there). It's also hard to navigate in the area since it's hard to find the differences of the areas, which would be tolerable if the enemy was much faster so you could consider it a threat.

The night shifts have no variety and apparently the AI is broken. In the first night only the first and fourth segments had the AI working, the other three levels included no movement.

From the second night it starts to get broken even more. The first segment where there is one door with the character appearing at the left side, the character didn't stop attacking me. Basically no matter what I did, the character attacked me regardless. I tried various things several times and at the end I finished the segment by just finishing my tasks, since you can finish the segment before he even gets the opportunity to attack you. The other segments did work this time, but it was so rythmic with no any other thing to do that they still weren't fun. During the whole game you only have to hold the download buttons and that's it.

I didn't finish the third night since it was not possible to finish the first segment thanks to that problem and that I did not have fun with the game anymore.

The game can be a lot better, but there is a lot to fix and also a lot more things needed to add to the game to make it something stable and enjoyable.

One last thing, about the "I'll make a sequel if the game reaches 1,000 followers." Don't do that. If you want to make a sequel, then don't wait for this game to reach 1,000 followers as it is unlikely to reach it, and that's not a bad thing, because you already reached almost 400 followers and that's way more than you think. There are so many other people who make several games and still fail to reach even 100 followers on their games, yet you managed to get multiple hundreds of followers. If you want to make a sequel, then do it already, although you should first update this game and improve it so the sequel would be something better and also enjoyable to play.

Did a video on the mod, looking forward to any more releases

This looks stunning!! made a video, pretty cool man

hi, big thx for the game. greetings from rosti 😀


Satan's Factory Final Update

Version: 0.1.0about 3 years ago

Satan's Factory

Version: 0.2.1about 3 years ago

#fnaf #horror

F4: To maximize Screen

F2: To Restart Game

Warning This game contains flashing lights and loud noises.


Oliver's big day has finally arrived!!!! The job he applied for at Satan's Factory, a mysterious workplace, has finally been accepted. In his haste to find work, Oliver overlooked the obvious name of this factory, which he will regret ...... Oliver walks into the factory on his first day. The moment he walks in...... It was as if he had been paralyzed to the spot, and the menacing ora had a tightening grip on him. Oliver's fear is compounded by the factory's silence, which sends shivers down his spine, and the factory's state, making him feel like he is in the wrong place. Oliver turns around to go back, but the door closes... .... OLIVER HAS NOW BEEN LOCKED IN!!!! Oliver is experiencing a wide range of emotions, but the most important thing on his mind is surviving the night and attempting to escape from this factory!!!


Gameplay: You have to finish your tasks and keep an eye and ear out for the animatronics. all tasks will be on the tablet in each room.

Artist: @DiRel_BlueJi Modifier @Phage22194 Voice Actors: @DiRel_BlueJi ,@TheUnitedNates

All sounds were used in

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Satan's Factory Is now out!

Satan’s Factory Halloween Demo is delayed until further notice

Soooooooooooo Newwwww thumbnail what do you guys? think

Comment down below your thoughts of the Satans Factory demo so far. Feedback is appreciated !

Should this be the new game cover.