
Left Door protected.
unlocked by defeating Tera.

Right door protected.
unlocked by defeating Nano.

Not today HA HA !
Unlocked by defeating Pico.

Unlocked by defeating Giga.

Go Away you
Unlocked by defeating Gogo

Let's start over again.
unlocked by defeating Scratch.

Shift done
unlocked by beating 5th & 6th shift.

A new Character joins the Project.
Unlocked by beating the 1st Custom challenge "The Legacy"

A 2nd New character joins the project.
Unlocked by defeating the 2nd custom challenge: "Five nights at Pico's"

A 3rd Character joins the project.
Unlocked by beating the 3rd custom challenge: "Ladies"

A 4th character joins the project.
Unlocked by beating the 4th custom challenge: "Buttons control"

A 5th character joins the Project.
Unlocked by beating the 5th custom challenge: "One week at Scratchy's 2"

The Last character joins the project
Unlocked by beating the 6th custom Challenge: "Cats night"