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Version: 0.2.1almost 4 years ago

If you came here, you may be interested in the game. I am an aspiring game developer developing in ClickTeam Fusion 2.5. At the moment, this is my first project to create games. The game will be in the "Clicker" genre, the name is the same as the genre (I may change the name).

The game will be a regular clicker, but for the points you get, you can buy improvements. The game will have an ending, to achieve it, you need to score a certain amount of points

I will develop, and you can help with the choice of design (there will be a vote)


New Beta 0.2.1 Update!

- Changed sprites

Here is a small update
Новое обновление Beta 0.2.1!

-Изменены спрайты

Вот такое небольшое обновление

We have a record holder who scored 302155 points in the game! This is @horrorgamesllc!
У нас есть рекордсмен, который набрал 302155 очков в игре! Это @horrorgamesllc!

Update 0.2
-Новое улучшение "Рандомное число
-Добавлены фоны для "shop" и "меню"
-Появились баги

- Skins
- Music
- New "Random Number" improvement
- Added backgrounds for "shop" and "menu"
- Bugs appeared
Have a good game in the new update!

At this point in the game, there is:

- Shop

- Two improvements and more improvements to improve

- Menu

-One sound effect