
Another RPG
Well, first of all remenber this. this is Another RPG so dont wait so much. I have to admit it, when i was creating this game i didnt expect my inspiration to be Atari's RPG's.
About the Demo
In this first Demo i put a little part of the game (Levels and open world).The crystal system was added. The game is really funny and dont worry about the graphics, i'll work in that.
You enroll in a warrior which must overcome different types of obstacles. The main mission will be to collect seven number of gems which will give our warrior different abilities. Yeah it remenber me Final Fantasy I.
-Open world
-Movement (W,A,S,D)
-Run (Shift)
-Attack (left click)
-Use crystal (right click)
-Choose crystal (roll mouse)
-Use potion (R)