You play as Riamu Kirasaki, a young student faced with high academic pressure and depression. Riamu is struggling to figure out their own gender identity in a dystopian mirror of the reality they live in. Solve puzzles, and survive the onslaught of demonic manifestations of their own mind. This game is slightly inspired by the vibes of my all-time favorite gaming franchise, Silent Hill. #puzzle #horror #survival #adventure #retro #action #atmospheric #transgender #LGBT #Silent #Falls #dark #depression #game #scary #2020 #2019 #fog #vibes #mirror #music #textadventure #strategy
#PlayApartTogether #other #altgame #dystopian #darkness #woods #lake #japan #canada #school #twilight #mood #environmental #night #identity #adult #90s #retro #FPS #scary #spooky