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Silent Echo Demo

Version: 0.1.010 months ago

Journalist for the Fukada Publishing Company, Seishu, Kodama, temporarily moves to a small village town out by the coast in Japan. He meets friendly locals and familiarizes himself with his new environment. As he tries to research the culture,  dark mysteries surround the cultural festival of this town's major tradition. The main character gets wrapped in the mysteries surrounding it. An evil force   pressures each character's tragedies. They slowly reveal  into much more horrifying suppressed traumas. #horror

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use
Drug Reference
Tobacco Use
Sexual Themes
Crass Humor

Released a public demo for Silent Echo.

The demo features:
Act 0 story
3 character stories for Haname, Karlin, and Ito.
5 character stories for Furukawa.

Let me know what I can touch up on!