
Comments (9)

What do you think?

I almost missed this one. I should keep an eye open more frequently.

YouTuber: Fellowplayer i really enjoy the game i really missed you guys hope you can continue making fun and cool games

Good to see the husband and the wife fighting on the same side together against the Siren Head thing. It can't possibly stand a chance versus the combined forces of the spouses. I enjoyed the game series, especially that one. It had more challenges and more bogies to take down. Thumbs up.

Enjoy this 2 part very much as always poison games does not disappoint me, My gameplay has subtitles in Spanish for all those who do not master the English language, do not forget to activate them first.

Game Complete Here

loved this game, it was awesome & I had fun playing it, great character design, great weapons choices, & great job in general you always amaze me poison games!!!

her is my video on it:

Few months ago my wife and I escaped from siren head. Or we thought so...

Siren head was hunting us, trying to kill us. So for the sake of our family

and friends, we decided to escape the city and fight him in the mountains.

These are the five longest days of our lives. And most dangerous.

Protecting my family, my wife, our daughters, hunting, surviving...


* There is nine missions in this game. Some you play as male and some as female.

* Variety of Weapons such as, gun, shotgun, machete, m4 rifle and grenades.

* Scary Siren Head with his sidekicks.

* Awesome graphics and effects.

Will you make it for 5 days ? #horror #adventure #action #survival

Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
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