Comments (3)
YES! I still need to play the other games (I have had school pilin up on me and had surgery recently) but now I am hyped for this!!
Looks like another great one, where can you download this?

Sleep... optimization? Err... what?
"An average person sleeps 8 hours a day. One-third of his/her life."
Meaning: You sleep 4 months in a year, and are awake for 8. If you live till 60 years of age, you would have slept for 20 years.
What if... you could lower that 8 hr sleep to 6 hrs a day? Without feeling tired, that is.
It would mean that: You sleep 3 months in a year, and are awake for 9. If you live till 60, you would have slept 15 years. (Compared to average people, you will have 1 extra month every year, and 5 extra years to be alive, to experience, to play, to work.)
Now take a step back and imagine how MASSIVE that is in the long run! Sleeping 6 hours instead of 8, would give you such an edge!
Hey, but why stop at 6 hrs a day? Let's crank it down some more!
What if you could lower that 6 hr sleep to 4 hrs a day? Without feeling tired, that is.
It would mean that: You sleep 2 months in a year, and are awake for 10. If you live till 60, you would have slept 10 years only. (Compared to average people, you will have 2 extra months every year, and 10 extra years to be alive, to experience, to play, to work.)
"But... how?"
I sleep around 3-4 hours a day, and I'll be sharing the 'how' in this course! Stating everything I've learned from my own practical experience on this subject.
For reaching 5-6 hours per day, eh... that's super easy. Child's play.
For reaching 3 hours of sleep? That'll be brutal. But totally worth it when you're done! :D
(You can just stop at the hours you're comfortable with. You may be happy with 6 hours a day only. I stopped at 3 hrs a day, but you can go even lower if you want. It all depends on what you're willing to sacrifice in exchange for more time.)

This interactive course will be made in RPG Maker MV, and the setting will be similar to how it was in the 'A course on dream' scene in my first game. (I.e, False Awakening Episode 1.)
There will be a class with a teacher explaining the concepts, and an odd group of students firing back with questions relative to their own characters.

I would like to make a playable section in the course, after each class, which allows the player to practically apply the thing they learned in a real-life setting. (Inside the game, I mean.) Though... not sure how efficient and time-consuming that would be to make. (I want to make something that I can systematically repeat for future course-topics.)
Well, let's see how this goes. (Since this is my first time doing something like this, It'd be like an experiment, of sorts.)
Thank you for reading!
"How to sleep 3-4 hrs a day and be more healthy?" <<--- You want this for yourself? You play (and read through,) this game! (When... I'm done with it...)

Now, a narcissistic insertion of my barren patreon page:
(Whatever happens, do NOT pledge! That'll force me to work a dozen times harder.)
PC, android, Mac, and Linux. (Possibly Browser as well.)
System Requirements:
Have any questions or suggestions regarding this project?
Fire em away in the comments! :D (Would be happy to respond!)
#educational #course #sleephack #Sleepoptimization #textadventure #rpgmaker #pointnclick #other #altgame #Topdown