Comments (12)
Here I made a video about this game this end of October.
I gave this a quick run myself (COUGHbecause VocaloidCOUGH) and I had quite a bit of fun. It's quite a unique concept (like Slendytubbies, Spongebob Slendypants, and Swamp Sim (a shrek themed slender game) ).It is a very good game for a first timer, great work! Now, if I were to suggest a few things, It would be:
1) Adjust Miku's pose. I'm not sure if you were able to do that in the first place, but I've seen quite a bit of slender (X) games that had the model's arms outstretched. Maybe put her in an intimidating pose like and arms down, shoulder up type deal.
2) The title screen... maybe instead of The Game Menu, have the logo instead,or maybe something other to tell what game this is. I know the background kind-of gives it away, but at least the "Slender Miku" next to the illustration would count as the title to replace that "The Game Menu" placeholder.
For a first game, It's quite cool, and I like it overall. I like to pretend that I'm Kagamine Rin (or Len), and Miku set this up as a well-played joke to scare me.
Controls were wonky
And Another error:"Unable to load mono library (error=126)"
I Got An error while starting it. It says:"There should be 'Miku Slender [Beta]_Data'
folder next to the executable" What Should I do?
Slender Miku
This was my first game hope your enjoy it :)