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Version: 3.6.1over 2 years ago


This is a soccer-themed, 3D sokoban puzzle game that includes 2 external solvers and 1 embedded solver.

It has undo (u) and restart (r) functions. Comes with many puzzle files, each typically having dozens of "levels". The next (n) and previous (p) keys move between levels. The (Lshft) and (Rshft) keys move between the different puzzle files (there are currently 60). The (z) key creates a setpoint (reZero) so that subsequent restarts restore that setpoint.

To move the "pusher" use the arrow keys. The objective is to kick all the red and blue balls into the goal nets. Notice that these strange soccer balls roll in two perpendicular directions only!

And now the (=)-key triggers an embedded solver that helps you when you get stuck.

The mouse can be used to control the game viewpoint. The mouse wheel adjusts the eye distance; a left button drag changes view angle; a right button click restores the default view settings. MacBooks can simulate these actions, as noted below.

Works on Macs running OSX and PCs running Windows or GNU/Linux. The proper command to extract the archive and maintain the directory structure is "7z x filename".
#puzzle #sports


* On OSX, Keka works well to unzip my 7Z files. The command-line for Keka works thusly:

* /Applications/ --cli 7z x (filename.7z)

Note that all of my FOSS games may be run from a thumb drive:

Simply unzip onto a USB flash drive [w/same file format] and run.

27nov19: This is a new release, even though the version is the same. Certain library errors have been fixed.