Comments (2)
in endavors and blue endavors no have text 2 and 3 act it's happening on every new song and freeplay, and sound test locked to unlock freeplay you need codes in sound test. sound test will opened when i complete week sonic exe, and on 0:58 enemy press right button and animation, here's no new models on triple trouble no new tails exe model and knuckles exe and eggman, make custom options, jokes and memes deleted,no subtitels. no you can't run encore triple trouble encore fatality encore and faker encore, make exe engine, new song game over endless og execution. faker song, slaybells new logo text vs sonic exe cursed ring, custenes 2 and 3 act will be avaliable when you complete 1 song it will be too on second song, soulles encore, endless eu, personel will be deleted and him song because i need creepy songs
a question can I use the sprites of tails from mania and bf to know
Sonic.exe Project Execution Halloween Update
A VS Sonic.exe mod that is beyond your wildest dreams this took so long to work on. This is still a vary buggy mod so if there is anything I did not notice let me know.Thank you too the many people that helped me with this and I hope all of you like this mod as much as I do :)