
Comments (9)

What do you think?

A sonic fangame with a stamina bar just feels so wrong, I wonder why that feature was added

The physics in general don't feel like a sonic game that much but maybe that's just me

These kind of exe games are pretty underrated

i would like to say is 9.5 /10. good game.

The game is pretty nice. The characters sprites, the voice acting, everything. But, I will say stamina was an unnecessary addition to the game. It doesn't fit with premise of Sonic. But otherwise, the game itself is pretty damn awesome and I will be awaiting the full release.


Halloween 2023 DEMO

Version: 1.0.0over 1 year ago
To celebrate Halloween I'm providing a small demo so you can see how the game is turning out.

This game is no longer in production, i will not release any more updates and this game will not have an full release, this demo will be the only thing accessible.

Look who's back! Take a look at this remake of "Another Sonic.exe Fan Game", a new version of the game with a story, video cutscenes, alternative endings and much more action! Are you ready for the next level?

(10/31/23) This demo is still an early version, there are a lot of things that I still have to improve, especially the cutscenes, they have so much problems, one of them is that the Sonic's voice actor didn't give me his lines anymore so I had to dub it myself and it turned out horrible :v

anyways i hope you guys enjoy this Demo.

#fangame #horror #platformer #retro #survival #sonicexe #sonicthehedgehog #sonicadventure

Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans

So.... Sonic.exe Time's Up is cancelled! I lost my interest in Sonic.exe and I no longer have the desire to work on this game, I also have other things to focus on in my life, Thanks for the love and support this game and in Another Sonic.exe Fan Game.