
Comments (1)

What do you think?

hi @LuckyAzure can i have source code for v2?


Sonic Worlds: LAOE (V2)

Version: 2.0.18 months ago
The latest version of V2. The changes include the addition of custom stages, numerous bug fixes, and other features.

Sonic Worlds: LAOE (V1)

Version: 1.1.08 months ago
Here is the very first version, from which I think many things are missing. I don't recommend playing with it, but some people asked for it to stay up just the same.

Sonic Xtreme 2D (Legacy)

Version: 0.1.08 months ago
This is the second iteration of Sonic Worlds Online, formerly named "Sonic Xtreme 2D Online". Originally inspired by SEGA's unfinished "Sonic Xtreme" levels, the project evolved into a diverse amalgamation, incorporating SSNTails' initial level. Built on CTF 2.5 and powered by the Sonic World engine with Lacewing development.

This is a modified engine that operates with the Dark-Wire server (Bluewing). I've rewritten the entire online engine to ensure all code is clean and optimized. Overall, it's a classic Sonic online multiplayer game for playing with anyone through Dark-Wire. It includes levels I made for my old games, serving as a summary and collection of all those.

more information soon...

#fangame #action #platformer #multiplayer #retro #survival #other #sonic #sonicworlds #sonicworldsdelta #online #darkwing #bluewing #adventure #race #pvp #boss #frcskamate

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Mature Humor

[RELEASE] V1 is playable again, and source code is available! 👍


A random teaser that I made about a week ago.