Sonic Worlds: LAOE (V2)
The latest version of V2. The changes include the addition of custom stages, numerous bug fixes, and other features.
Sonic Worlds: LAOE (V1)
Here is the very first version, from which I think many things are missing. I don't recommend playing with it, but some people asked for it to stay up just the same.
Sonic Xtreme 2D (Legacy)
This is the second iteration of Sonic Worlds Online, formerly named "Sonic Xtreme 2D Online". Originally inspired by SEGA's unfinished "Sonic Xtreme" levels, the project evolved into a diverse amalgamation, incorporating SSNTails' initial level. Built on CTF 2.5 and powered by the Sonic World engine with Lacewing development.

This is a modified engine that operates with the Dark-Wire server (Bluewing). I've rewritten the entire online engine to ensure all code is clean and optimized. Overall, it's a classic Sonic online multiplayer game for playing with anyone through Dark-Wire. It includes levels I made for my old games, serving as a summary and collection of all those.
more information soon...
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Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Mature Humor