
Comments (8)

What do you think?

i thought that the screen shots were actually from dark souls

Hey @opbyen ,

I've played your game and I am pretty impressed with it overall, I really felt like the combat pacing was better than a lot of other engine tests I see out there. So I have a proposal, I want to work with you a bit on something. See, I happen to have access to a ton of animations from Dark Souls 1 and I might be able to get player animations for you. I was part of a team working on an ambitious remake, but the project fell apart. I am hoping that you could use these animations to really spice this thing up.

What I ultimately want out of working with you is to develop a core engine that can be used for a community-driven project to remake experiences from DS1 with improved graphics, more modularity, crowdsourced code, and the ability to easily create mods and other content. I believe that it will be for the good of the people if this project is brought public, but if you prefer privacy I understand that too. I would be willing to help you with your own project as well, if you plan on making your own game with this.

I already have enemy animations, models, armors, weapons, shields, sound effects, textures, so on and so forth. It would be a pleasure to talk to you personally, please send me an email at [email protected] or a Discord message at Skippy_McSsskipp#3194.

I look forward to chatting,
Taylor A. Port

Souls-like? I think it's a bit more than similar to Dark Souls.

I hope you finish it after 6 years

I really want to see you make this an actually game. Maybe make a souls story or your own story. I think a boss rush like souls game would be awesome. Keep up the great work and please keep me posted.


Souls-like RPG Demo

Version: 0.1.0over 7 years ago

Techdemo of my newest project.
A darksouls kinda game made in unity and animated in blender.

I started out wanting to create a complex RPG system, inspired by the likes of darksouls. I ended up making a game on top of it.

Models and textures are ripped from darksouls 1, I then seperated, rigged and animated them.

Sadly only one moveset is implemented by now. (Small sword, Large sword is in progress)

Game is still in very early development and missing a lot of functionallity.
Quitting can only be done by using Alt+F4.
Many animations have no foot IK, because the animation is likely to change.


Full advanced RPG system with SO many variables it makes my head spin.
Over 250 animation clips.
3 different chest, helm, arm and leg armor pieces.
Many different weapons. (But lacking their own movesets)
Parrying + Reposte
Rolling (In 4 directions)
Backstep (The animation sucks, I know)
Jump with 2 different landings. (Hold forward to roll on landing)
3 different landings from fall depending on height fallen from.
Attack/Action queueing
Light attack combo
Heavy attack combo
Jump attack
Plunge attack
Roll attack
backstep/running attack
2 handed somersault attack
Targetting system
Death animations
Many different stun/flinch/knocked down animations
And much more...

Controls: (Only set up for controllers)
Base controls: (See the billboards in game)

Combo controls:

  • Kick: Light attack + forward

  • Jump attack: Heavy attack + forward/ Sprinting + Heavy attack

  • Plunge attack: Falling + Light attack

  • Weapon art attack: 2 handing + Parry

  • Roll attack: Light attack after roll

  • Backstep/Running attack: Light attack after backstep || Light attack while sprinting.


Mild Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
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