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https://youtu.be/Vm9sVzd6-Eo?t=146 <-- Timecode
Check out "Space Recycle Inc." in my Gamejolt compilation #1
This game really pulled me in... ;)
Magnet physics is soooo satisfying and most of all I love me some lore in my games. A good story like this can really ignite the imagination.
As the owner of the bigest planetary cleanup company i'd be glad to be able to invest my credits and fund few more rockets during gameplay, just to keep the cycle endless.
Space Recycle Inc.
In the not so distant future the space race between nations has reached new heights.
Rockets are being launched one after another. But where are they going to? Nobody really cares as long as they are the ones launching the most stuff into space.
Also there is a problem. Often pieces of the rockets break off, sometimes they just explode and debris is piling up in the planet's orbit. Instead of cleaning up their mess themselves the nations have decided to hire a space janitor. They are too busy with launching rockets anyways...
You are the lucky person who got the job. The nations supplied you with a state of the art electromagnet and strapped it to your space taxi.
All you need to do is fly around the planet, use the magnet to attract the debris and deliver it to one of the recycling stations where you will be paid depending on the amount of trash you brought.
Unfortunately new rockets are being launched periodically and will explode if they crash into any piece floating around there, resulting in even more trash.
But it gets even better! The nations will have you pay for every rocket they lose this way. It was your job to clean up after all...
If you run out of money or too many rockets are destroyed you will lose. Good Luck!
This game was developed in 48 hours during the #minibeansjam 2018.
Each team had to pick two of these three topics: Magnetic, Queen, Recylce.
We chose Magnetic and Recycle.