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Squareland Early Access

Version: 0.4.1over 6 years ago

A simple platformer. Right now there's 8 rooms. This game is in early access limbo but hopefully will release before the end of the year.

Supports QWERTY and AZERTY keyboards but the recommended input device is a controller.

Controller controls:
-[A] to jump.
-[Left analog stick] to move (left and right)
-[Start] to open menu (Jump button to select)
-[Back] to use shortcut (Saves selection while in menu and executes selection elsewhere.)

Keyboard Controls:
-[Space] or [Up Arrow] to jump.
-[A], [Q] or [Left Arrow] to move left.
-[D] or [Right Arrow] to move right.
-[Escape] to open menu. (Jump button to select.)
-[Enter] to use shortcut. (Saves selection while in menu and executes selection elsewhere.)

Why early access? I love getting feedback during development, so please leave any criticisms or remarks!

Mild Cartoon Violence

Main Menu

This week’s focus is the menus
+Squareland now has a logo!
+Start screen (with logos).
¤Re-made in-game menu.

Plans for the next update:
+Add a few more rooms.
¤Continue developing the menu.
¤Revamp the end screen.


Hard at work on tomorrow’s addition of a main menu but here’s a look at the new Squareland logo!

Early Access Release

First early access release contains 8 rooms with spikes, sand (falling platforms) and crystals (bonus item).

Plans for next major update:
+The addition of a start menu.
¤Revamp of in-game menu.
¤Revamp of end screen.