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Star Spirit 4019 AD

Version: 1.0.0almost 5 years ago
A short RPG maker MV game

As suggested, this was supposed to be a prologue for something else I wanted to work on back in 2019, but then life got me and then I wasn't able to work on any of it further, resulting in the whole project getting canned. I then proceeded to completely forget about it until just now when I was randomly browsing my computer.

It's a quick short RPGmaker MV game that I can't really describe.

Anyways, I just decided to post it here in case this could potentially entertain or inspire someone else.

It does have a couple bugs. Just letting you know.

I hope you enjoy.

#other #rpg #narrative #shortstory #short #rpgmaker #spacecowboys #spaceknights #spacemagic

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language

Project abandoned, but not forgotten.

I have been working on little pieces of this and that with RPGmaker MV, but I've had some interesting issues that have left me extremely discouraged. I'm trying not to give up, but it gets harder and harder.

The project may be canned, but the idea is not lost!

I've had a resparking interest in bringing back the project and resuming my work... Soon!

Let's just hope WW3 doesn't happen in the meantime. Literally.

No, seriously that would really suck.