
Comments (29)

What do you think?

have support to joystick?

when I opened it it said the application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000022) click ok to close the application. please help

how do i select a character for player 2?

The controls with controller feel weird, the inputs are weird. And Akuma does not die after I've defeated him, not to mention he doesn't fight back. I jumped over Akuma after he had lost all of his health and then began me facing in the other direction. Also, the MAXIMUM mechanic is a great concept but if this ever develops further I feel like there should be a halt; everything on the screen stops when activated unless punishing it is the intended way to halt the mechanic.

When ryu fights akuma, akuma does'nt attack back and just block so akuma is broken


Street Fighter MAX

Version: 0.2.0over 8 years ago

Hello true believers! It's your friendly neighborhood game maker here! Just letting you know about a current project of mine called STREET FIGHTER MAX !

I am mr. E. I am a professional artist turned game maker. I'm working on an independent street fighter game and am looking for as much community input as possible. My hope is to create a game the fans would want.

Bellow is an explanation of what the game is like so far and concepts I am working to implement. I need feedback on all of it.

What game mechanics work and what mechanics don't? What game mechanics would you like to see in the game? What characters would you want included? Remember this is your game and since it's going to be free to play this is your chance to make your own street fighter game.

UPDATE: Aside from the classic arcade mode I will be including the first 12 issues of the street fighter comics by udon. That's right play through the official udon street fighter comics with real street fighter gameplay. I have gone through each udon comic one page at a time and converted them to in game cutscenes and in game effects to create the first story driven game mode in street fighter. Experience the ultimate collection of classic street fighter art, animation, music and classic arcade gameplay in the first playable encyclopedia of street fighter in the ultimate street fighter fans dream: street fighter max!

What is Street Fighter MAX?

Street Fuighter MAX is an indipendantly made fighting game developed by me with the help of community input. The game will include the four main street fighter characters (Ryu, Ken, Chun, Akuma) and four characters from each street fighter game. It will implement the classic one on one, two round style fighting system.

The game will use frame data and hit boxes straight from street fighter 3 third strike, super street fighter 4 ae, sf x tekken and cvs2(most of which comes from you tube and event hubs)! Every character will include every move they have ever had in a street fighter game so that each character plays like the all-star version of him/herself. Each character will have the ability to perform normal attacks, unique attacks, target combos, special moves, ex-special moves, super moves and super turbo moves. All normals will act according to the latest versions of the characters and will be devided in classic sf fashion: LK MK HK LP MP HP for a 6 button system! You will have three bars in your HUD: a stamina bar, a super meter and a defensive gauge. Stamina determines when you get K.Oed. Super meter determines if you can use ex and supers. And your defensive gauge monitors guarding, parrying and hit stun. In addition you will also have a max drive that can only be used once per match.

Street Fighter Max will include:

  • A 28 character roster!

  • 4 Characters from every street fighter game!

  • Tournament quality gameplay!

  • Exclusive comeback mechanics never before seen in a sf game!

  • Super moves and super cancels!

  • Dizzy system and gaurs crusher techniques!

  • Turbo cancels and max cancels exclusive to sf turbo!

  • Arcade accurate hit boxes and frame by frame timing!

  • A parry system for Daigo style beastly comebacks!

  • Custom art by professional artists exclusive for the game!

  • Every character boasts their full arsenal of moves that span the entire sf series!

  • And more!!!


Maximum is activated by pressing medium punch and medium kick simultaneously and can only be activated while on the ground. Once activated it will give your character a strength, speed and/ or defensive boost, depending on the character. It can only be used once per match (not every round) so knowing when to activate it or knowing when to save it for a critical moment can make for interesting comebacks and adds another element of strategy.

In addition to effecting the speed and power of your character, your character may also have access to new special moves or have some special moves altered. For example Blanka. During MAXIMUM he has increased control over his electric thunder move and his rolling attack becomes involnurable to most projectiles making his already useful pressure game considerably more formidable. But special moves are not the only things getting a boost during maximum, super moves are also significantly stronger and for some characters new supers become available during maximum.

As an added bonus their are also special attributes to the maximum activation animation. When activating maximum you are given a small frame advantage that can be used to extend combos or to gain momentum in a match. Unlike pandora, maximum can be canceled into at almost any moment in a match. Maximum can be activated while performing a normal, special or super and can even be activated while guarding (but not while getting hit or performing a jump) this action is known as MAX CANCELING. Max canceling is a very useful way to get out of a corner or extend combos that might otherwise end. Max canceling is also great for hit confirming into a super or special.

Of course their are limits to maximum. Most notably is the limited time frame in which maximum can be active. Maximum only lasts 7-15 seconds depending on the character. Plus maximum can only be activated once per match and not every round. So use it wisely


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