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Version: 1.3.0almost 3 years ago
SuperCubeBeta Version1.1

SuperCube is 2D Gun and Run game with ALOT movement and enemys!

Short Story:

There was this game where u get 1 bullet in nerf and and it was 1v1 if u shoot somone first u get 100$ and you can do duble or nothing! and Blue Cube naimed SuperCube had win streek and was just going he was around 500,000$ but then lights go down and DEVIL him self comes there and says SuperCube i see ur very well at my game! im lets do 1 final bet if you win you get all the money from voult if i win i will put you in a simulation! bet? and as always SuperCube accepted the deal!!! and well SuperCube lost so he was in simulation and he has to beat 25 levels and 2 boss fights to come out!!! when he finally compleats the final boss fight DEVIL says he wont let him out! and he tricked him! but then simulation explodes SuperCube wakes up 3 days later in destroyed lab his only objective find and kill DEVIL. *game is still in development with that said some stuff will change"

Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Strong Language
Crass Humor

whats poppin???