
Comments (3)

What do you think?

This is very cool! It would be neat if each skin could have special powerups, but then again levels would need to be reworked and I can see how difficult that would be TwT.

Is it open source

New Update coming?


Syobon Action: Game Maker Engine

Version: 1.1.2almost 2 years ago

Syobon Action: Game Maker Engine is a new Syobon Action (Cat Mario) fan game that tries to revive the old game with new levels, traps, enemies and more. #fangame #CatMario #SyobonAction #SyobonActionFanGame #CatMarioFanGame #GameMaker #CatMarioGameMaker


At the moment, the engine is being processed from scratch. The main menu, the pause menu, is already in the process of implementation. The physics of the original game has been added by 90%