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Baggie 3D V2
Put on your socks and shoes..!
Classic Baggie Collection
The old version of The Baggie Collection, as of now, there is no Baggie Da Game V3, so stay tuned!
Credit to SuperSonic68 for the Framework, Also Thanks NotSoGreedy for porting the Framework to Unity 2019,
Credit to Bayat Games for the framework of Baggie Da Game.
Update 4/27/23: Forgot to credit Darth Artisan For the tree models used In Baggie 3D, So credit to him for the tree models!
The Baggie Collection is a collection that includes 3 Games, 3 Languages, for Fr33. #adventure #platformer #arcade
Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans
Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!