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Inspired by Capcom's Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and Nintendo's Animal Crossing, this game sets out to put the wonderful and wacky characters of Animal Crossing into the silly courtroom melodrama of Ace Attorney. Set in an alternate, more mature take on the iconic town of Animal Crossing, you play as Blaire, the only human villager within the town, as you solve the murders of your fellow townsfolk.

With a total of 5 cases planned to release, this game sets out to capture the feel of Capcom's beloved series through a series of point-and-click, fast paced legal battles taking place outside in the town's square.




In four of the five cases, you will take control of Blaire as you move about the town, collecting new evidence and testimony to use in the upcoming trials. Like with Ace Attorney, you will have multiple options when it comes to investigation.

  • Move: Simply put, move Blaire from location to location, each with their own people to meet and evidence to collect

  • Examine: Gives you the chance to click on points of interest in each scene, allowing you to find clues that may not have been as easy to spot otherwise.

  • Talk: Talk to the people around you. They may reveal crucial information that can help you in your upcoming trial.

  • Present: Present evidence to people of interest, often times when they refuse to talk. This will open up more conversation topics and lead to new revelations.

There will also come a point where you will enter a deep state of thought, where you can try and piece together what happened in specific places. This will lead to a better understand of the incident, and make the upcoming proceedings easier to follow.

After everything is done for the day, the game will move on to the trial, so be ready to fight for your neighbor's life. They'll need it.




Once the trial begins, be ready. The battle has only just started. You will listen to the testimony of witness, and try to expel the lies they tell within them. But be careful, Mayor Tortimer is acting as judge in these proceedings, and his helpful assistant Isabelle will be the one to play the role of prosecutor. When cross-examining a witness, you have two options.

  • Press: Press the witness for more information. This could lead to new testimony that will be added for further cross-examination, and possibly expose a new lie.

  • Present: Present evidence on a statement that contradicts the facts established. Remember: the evidence cannot lie. If a statement doesn't match the evidence, the witness isn't telling the truth.

Be careful. The Mayor will penalize you anytime you object for the wrong reason. Look over your evidence carefully, and do it often. Remember, no piece of evidence is ever irrelevant. At some point, it will become useful to you.


#fangame #pointnclick #adventure #crossover #animalcrossing #aceattorney

Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

So, I have been thinking long and hard, and I think I'm going to restart the first case and change several elements that are currently there.

A proper courtroom and lobby

Fully unique soundtrack inspired by both games

More fleshed out story for the case.

Sorry! Something came up this week, so the case will be post-poned until next week.


A Dark and Stormy Turnabout Trailer

Progress Report

A Dark and Stormy Turnabout

About Halfway done with the trial segment itself. May be done with this case by the end of the weekend. Here's the Thumbnail as a bit of a teaser.
