
Comments (5)

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The game crashes at the start I have an intel i5 processor and a GTX 750ti graphic card


The Darkest Hour (en demo)

Version: 0.1.5almost 6 years ago

"The Darkest Hour" is a new hardcore platformer with RPG elements. It has an interesting talents system and gameplay. There are also lots of other fun in the game.

You can upgrade your main character with 2 talent sections: special and main.


Special section has 7 combat schools: melee combat, Fire, Water, Air, Death, Life (in dev) and Earth (in dev). These schools have lots of active and passive spells and abilities with their own different mechanics. Spells have a synergy with each other. Using abilities from different schools you are able to create great cobmos and destroy huge packs of enemies extremely fast if you use your spells properly. And it's a good idea to kill monsters in "The Darkest Hour" quickly, because they are smart and are able to cooperate with each other efficiently.


In the main section of the talents system you can upgrade your characteristics: Health, Armor, Strength, Intellect, Energy regeneration, Haste (to reduce cooldowns of your spells), critical chance ad critical damage. Some of characteristics are very useful with one set of special abilities and useless with another. So take them exactly for you special talents.
By the way, you can change your talents any time on your base or near a checkpoint for free!


The important thing in the gameplay is energy management. Most of the abilities in "The Darkest Hour" spend a lot of energy points. Although, your character has a passive energy regeneration, that is not enough in most cases. But don't worry, there is a starting talent in the special section, that allows you to restore lots of energy when hitting an enemy with physical damage! And there is one more way to manage your energy efficiently. Read talents' descriptions carefully and cast spells in the best sequences to spend less energy and deal maximum damage!


You should also try the other entertainments in "the Darkest Hour"! Some of them will be obligatory (like dragon challenge) and some not. Complete epic quests, try mini games to earn extra gold to spend it on your talents!


We hope you enjoy our game! We are looking forward for any of your comments about "The Darkest Hour"! :)

If you have any problems with the game make sure you downloaded all Microsoft visual C++ redistributable packages. Or send us an email: [email protected]

If you like the "The Darkest Hour" follow our social networks to find more information! :)
VK Russia:
#platformer #rpg #retro #roguelike #survival #arcade #adventure

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence

New update 0.1.4

- Bugs in the debuff "freeze" were fixed;
- Problems with animations of skeleton-warrior when he jumps were fixed;
- Loading logs were added;
- If you had problems before, please, don't setup the game in program files directory.

New update: 0.1.3

- Hero's HP increased (was - 2000, now - 3000);
- Ru'un damage decreased by 7.5%, Sikandryerah's - by 20%
- It is easier now to avoid fire meteors of Lord Andras;
- Volume of several sounds has been changed.