
Comments (23)

What do you think?

hello, your kit looks very awesome, when will be it available for purchasing ? how much will cost it ? thanks for the information.

not bad but needs more improving

This is some sweet work <3

Is this usable as a development kit?

its great, but the cursor wasn't locked, kinda bothered me lol

A Complete Cover based Third Person shooter kit based on The Division.The main idea here was to provide with a slow paced shooter.This is not the best Third Person kit , but this is best suited for games like The Division/Battle Royal/ or simply a Survival game.I would never suggest anyone to use this for Open Ended games like GTA .As the possibilities here were kept limited.
The Asset will come with Animations/Models(Character/Weapon)/Particle Effects/Scripts/Demo Scene

All the features that will be included:

  • 3 Movement Modes (Walk/Run/Sprint) , you can sprint using the Sprint button and you can toggle between walk and run using MovementToggle button(Assigned as "Capslock" in default).

  • 2 Slots for weapons , Primary and Secondary , No melee.

  • Firing Weapon , turns on Aggressive Movement Animations to keep the immersion while shooting.It lasts for 15 seconds(Unless you decide to sprint, which will get you back to Normal Movement Animations).

  • Weapon Hands Switch, you will be able to switch sides while holding a weapon(This will depend on the shoulder your camera is on right now)

  • Bullet Spray And Recoil (This is self Explanatory).

  • The Weapons are separately positioned, and the Hands are placed with IK. So each weapon can be hold Separately.

  • Basic Parkour System, like vaulting/Getting up Objects/Climbing Objects.

  • Cover System

  • Blind Fire from Cover

  • Multiplayer Implemented (Photon)

  • Ladder System

  • Melee System

  • Taunt System

  • Surface Detectors for bullets to impact different particles

  • UI (Health | Weapons)

  • Aim Block (IK Based)

  • Rolling System

  • Ammo/Health Pickups

  • Explosion System

  • Vehicle Damage System

  • Enemy AI Humanoids

For Order, Contact me(Lets Talk Business)
Email : [email protected]
Facebook Account :


Demonstration Video is here ! Enjoy


Looking for Level Designers and 3d Modelers

THE DIVISION Kit 1.5 Preview Build Update is here!