Comments (13)
Why using the Book of Demons image?
Hi there. When I try to enter Agaris I get this error.

Have you got a version I can play up, yet. You said that it had some bugs and to wait. I was just seeing if it's safe to try now
So this is a prequel to Heroes of Time?
Tales of Ágaris (EN)
Tales of Ágaris (Chinese)
Tales of Ágaris (Japanese)
Tales of Ágaris (PTBR)
Tales of Ágaris (Russian)
Rumors speculate that a frightening being would emerge soon. And indeed, just as it was written by religious, Gorgos, the most fearsome demon in hell, would arise. But this will not happen by chance. Lars, a member of the grimfur king's elite soldiers, will greatly help Gorgos' resurgence. However, three king soldiers performing missions for world peace is established in Ágaris and other kingdoms of the world. One of the missions is to try to revive Rion, with whom King Grimfur has confidence and faith to be resurrected and compose the army in dark times as at the present time. The fate of the planet is in the hands of our heroes so that evil does not hover over us, and we can live for another 1000 years (where occurs Heroes of Time's events) #action #adventure #rpg #retro #scifi #strategy