
Welcome to... Those Nights At DJ Spring: Revenge!
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Night 1 completed!
Everything under control! Hope so...

You played the demo!

Night 2 completed!
They are more aggressive... But I can control them!

Night 3 completed!
they are getting more aggressive every day... I think I'm losing control!

Night 4 completed!
I lost control, I need to take care of my mental sanity

You beat the demo!
WOOOOOAH! epic bro! (⌐■_■)

Night 5 completed!
I'll still end up dying here!

Night 6 completed!
just one more night and it's all over...

You complete the game...
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

You beat the Custom night! (Your Final Night)
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

You have completed all challenges!
Beat all challenges and proofs for the animatronics that you are a professional night guard!

0 death
You didn't die in a single night.... ARE YOU PROFESSIONAL!?