Comments (10)

I like how you guys just like left the game with no news for about 1 month
Oh hell yeah! This is a certified hood classic

based game
Better and finished game here
The return to abominations: Remake
A remake of the 2016 fangame "The return to abominations" featuring new graphics, story and atmosphere. Face withered versions of the Toy animatronics while the true evil is stored behind the walls.
You found a job to guard a abandoned restaurant, but you felt like you’ve done this somewhat before, it’s like a never ending loop you doing this. Something doesn’t feel right this time however unlike the many other times you’ve done this.
>Directing, enviroment modelling- @Crimsonware
>Programing and feedback- @Primavero_15
>Coding help and feedback- @Just_J
>Writting, feedback- @GrandpaJerry
>Music, feedback- @Pau_Aventurer
Withered Toy models by Ludomcraft (Ports by SpringGumi)
Withered Withered models by JustYeshy (Edited)
Original game by victochimorchi.