Comments (10)
"Destroy the Map" "President's Office" lmao
love this game
better than trtf 3 rebuilt
TRTF 3: GTE v1
In the conversation with noise and new news about the past. There are two people at the earlier planning. To the floor to the left.
~ Description ~
The Return to Freddy's 3: Google Translate Edition (also known as Third Reunion with Freddie Mac) is an extremely butchered version of The Return to Freddy's 3. Where every bit of text is translated through Google Translate, then translated back to English. (Including Phone Calls, UI text, in-game text and other sounds.)
~ Credits ~
Programmer, MFA & Director: @MrArkham
Voice Acting: @TheShadowFreddy
, @Jim996
Google Translate: @TheShadowFreddy
, @Jim996
Original Game & Series by @TylerAhlstrom