
The Return to Freddy's 3 Remastered is an canceled remake of the original The Return to Freddy's 3 that was was being lead in development by Collin Miller in partnership with Kriya Studios with minor assistance provided by the CEO of Kriya Tyler Ahlström. It was intended to be released through Kriya Studios' website.
It entered development in around the middle of 2020 as an unofficial fangame, however in September of 2020 it was announced that Collin and Kriya had partnered up and the entire Remastered series was now going to be official.
On October 20th, 2022, the series was announced to be cancelled by Sean Ahlström on the official website for Kriya Studios.[1]
Plot Summary
"Fazbear Fantasy Land! A new entertainment has finally arrived and is nearing its grand opening. A special legendary animatronic long from the past will also be brought back from the dead and restored. Maybe a few of you will even recognize him. There are only a few more minor adjustments that need to be made before the location finally opens. We hope to see you in a week!"
Blake, could you come help me with this? Wait, that's him. That's the guy Josh wanted. Here, I'm gonna call him right now. God, he's freakin' huge.
Animatronics (Known So Far)
Despite it being the third game chronologically within the Remastered series, it was intended to be the second game to release within the series after The Return to Freddy's 2 Remastered.
Prior to the game's final cancellation, this game as well as all of the other planned games within the Remastered series were cancelled in late 2021, but on December 1st, 2021, Collin announced that it, along with all of the other games within the Remastered series would be re-entering development.
In early 2022, Collin announced that he may only be making the remaster of the second game however, although if the others were successful and enjoyable to develop enough within Collin's eyes, he would begin development of the other games within the Remastered series.