Comments (11)
​Ah this was a lovely little game to play! A nice, relaxing way to switch off for half an hour.
The design is simplistic but gorgeous, the characters are adorable (even those dastardly shades!) and everything flows really smoothly.
I could definitely play a lot more of this, but even as it is now it's a wonderful little piece of art in the form of a game! Keep up the great work! =)
Well, here's my video. Sorry to say I am not a big fan.
It looks like a rip-off of Ori and the Blind Forest. But I think I'll give it a try at some point.
Hi this game is VERY AWESOME DUDE!!!
this game is awesome
Tales of LittleWood
Tales of LittleWood is a 2D puzzle platformer game in which players play as a small mystical fox and a large bearlike creature, both of which are natives to the land of LittleWood. These two friends must work together to solve puzzles and traverse through the dangerous depths of LittleWoods in order to continue their expedition into the worlds beyond. By swapping control and utilising the unique abilities of these two characters, players must successfully make their way out of LittleWoods.
Game developed by The Migrating Pudgeons - #puzzle #platformer #adventure