Comments (6)
Oh boy this is huge! HUGE! I skipped Baby Mode and went right into Easy and even that was too big for me. Although after much aimless wandering I did finally find the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak.
As for Normal mode, though... yeesh! This was a fun little maze-running game, the addition of a bit of classic mythology was always going to be a good thing, and the Minotaur did deliver some nice tension (although he had a tough time getting the job done when he trying to squish my skull!).
Maybe one day I'll tackle Normal again, and maybe even the more difficult modes... maybe! Keep up the awesome work! =)
awesome dude
Ahora mismo lo pruebo pero te recomiendo que le bajes el peso jajaja
The Labrynth
The Labyrinth takes place inside of the mythical greek maze built by Daedalus. You were touring around Greece, and fell into a sinkhole by accident. None of the other tourists seem to have survived the fall. You look around to find that you are in a room built from ancient-looking stone brick, and with a singular doorway exiting out into what appears to be a hallway. You can see that there is no evidence of the hole that took you down here, either sealed back up by some kind of magic, or it collapsed in on itself. Either way, you can't climb out or rely on someone coming down to help you. A haunting roar echoes through the hallways and into your room, raising the hairs on the back of your neck. Looking out into the hallway, it becomes apparent that these aren't hallways, but one giant maze. The roar echoes through the maze again, and one thing becomes obvious: either you find the exit, or that thing out there finds you.
The game starts with you in the center of the maze. Your objective is to find the exit of the maze, but the Minotaur has no intentions of letting any trespassers escape alive. There are four difficulty levels: Baby, Easy, Normal, Hard.
Baby - No minotaur, and the smallest maze.
Easy - Small maze, Minotaur but higher chance of running into Minotaur.
Normal - Standard size maze, Minotaur will hunt for you, but encounters are rare.
Hard - Massive maze. It's so big that the minotaur is the least of your worries.
The maze randomly generates each time, with the Minotaur spawning at the exit after the maze is done generating. The maze can be as small as 12,000 sqm or as large as 36,000 sqm depending on difficulty level.
Standard controls: You move around with WASD, and look around with the mouse. Escape key to pause the game.