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The StoryTale Demo

Version: 1.0.0over 5 years ago

The StoryTale is a platformer with strange magic weapons and useless random spells

The Brave Prince hurries up to rescue the kidnapped princess.
All he has got are strange magic weapons and hmm.. immortality.


So will it be just an easy walk in the park or the extremely tough journey to the Dark Wizard lair?

Another story is about the Little Princess. She has to rescue the Prince before the dawn. She knows just a bunch of useless spells, which she mixes up usually. So her current, ready to cast, spell will change very often.


Moreover the Little Princess can die from any danger. Fortunately the fountains of Eternal Youth will be ready to resurrect her during that long night.


So the StoryTale begins here.

Install instructions
After downloading demo-version and starting with Menu Screen

choose New Game or press ESC to start new game.

Default controls: Cursor Arrows to move; Z, X,C,V, - jump;

Space - cast/attack (when available)

Standard gamepads (XBox360, Playstation) also are supported.

Languages: English and Russian (could be also switch in the menue)

#fangame #action #retro #arcade


We have updated texts, voice-over. Current demo is also updated.

And Steam Early Access was started. All 70 levels, mobs and mechanics are ready.

Currently I am tuning the balance and processing feedbacks.

Have a nice play )