
Comments (22)

What do you think?

what? No edgy skeleton? I'm taking your account down

Finally metaton neo and Alphys Duo



It would be funny you putting a japanese name on the title

finally something else in the community

Hello! Welcome to the game page! I'm glad you're here!


Genocide route, the human enters alphys's lab to find alphys venting to herself. Alphys turns around and sees the human was there all along! The human slashes at alphys but.... Mettaton blocks it! The duo takes action and starts a showdown none of them will forget!

(Description not story)

The game is about the genocide route, since you can't fight alphys and can only kill mettaton in 1 hit in the game. I decided to make this game to give attention to the 2 characters who either were never shown or died in one hit in UNDERTALE, The game will be 3 phases, 1 is when alphys is by herself scared. phase 2 is when the mettaton and alphys battle starts, phase 3 is mettaton neo and alphys!

I'm the only one in the team so making a team section isn't necessary atm.

#other #textadventure #platformer #rpg #fangame #Undertale #Alphys #Mettaton #Genocide #MettatonNeo

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Will this game ever be finished?
tune in next time for "Will chillovani just finish a fucking game already!"


I finished acts, yay.

(also ima keep changing the bg music cry about it lmao)


I made the um the uh the uh uh mmmmmmm the health bar more accurate and cool :sunglas:

hey guys I kinda changed the name of the gamepage. if you don't like it leave some name suggestions in the comments for what you think fits better


HAH! I did it! I made the tough glove :sunglas: it took like a day lmao