
Comments (20)

What do you think?

ok so im trying to unzip the cheating expunged one but it says that its an unsupported format

can i use the sprites for my mod

looks good


well i tried to make my own bambi

can I use this for a mod?


3D Bambi 1.0

Version: 1.0.0about 3 years ago
It includes: a new Bambi over Disruption Bambi + gettin' eaten. a color adjustment to the disruptor background (Optional). a new icon for the icongrid (Optional).

Cheating Expunged 1.2

Version: 0.1.2almost 3 years ago
a reskin for Expunged in Applecore that replaces his Unfairness form with his Cheating form, because it's funny lol.

It's a funny little skin pack over Applecore in FNF Vs Dave & Bambi.

WARNING: The Disruption skin does not work on D&B Golden Apple! (yet at least)
And the Expunged skin works on any version of Golden Apple except for 1.2

(Use this version instead


FNF by: ninja_muffin99. Phantom Arcade. kawaisprite. evilsk8r.

FNF Dave & Bambi by @MoldyGH .

FNF Dave & Bambi: Golden Apple by Grantare.

Everything else belongs to their respective owners.

(Let me know if I missed any credits.)


#fnf #daveandbambi #arcade

Mild Language

holy shit



I was finally able to make a proper recording showing off the Expunged Cheating sprite I made, and I did it in Golden Apple to prove that it does work in Golden Apple!

Yeah there's a new update, Cheating Expunged is here and I wanted to post a higher quality video but I died every single time it froze for like 2 seconds.


Now the update is ready I just need to create the zip file and then put it on Gamejolt and then you all will have access to it.

You can even use it in Golden Apple as long as it's a version before 1.2 since Expunged has a new spritesheet there.